Category Archives: New York Times

Health Checks: Does Anyone Need An Annual Physical?

annual tailored health check

Do most of us need an annual health check at the doctor’s office? You may think this to be a very silly question, especially coming from me a family doctor who constantly discusses preventive medicine in my articles. I love to see my patients every year just to check in and make sure they are living a healthy lifestyle, as well as to offer a “medical tune up.”… Read the rest

Chinese Spring Festival Eve: As Unhealthy As Thanksgiving?

Next week’s Spring Festival will already be my sixth here in Beijing, and Spring Festival Eve is always one of the highlights of my year. My wife and I spend a wonderful evening with our Chinese in-laws, and all two dozen of us will gorge for hours on endless rounds of dumplings and snacks, drink all types of alcohol and juices, and happily shout at the TV screen as another awful performer lip syncs yet another tacky ballad.  … Read the rest